When We Passionately Disagree

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 14:1 - 15:13

What do you do when you have a fellow Christian with whom you passionately disagree with about something and you're pretty sure you're right and they are wrong?  Of course this is a complete hypothetical and would NEVER happen in real life... *cough* *cough*.  In this message we look at Romans 14 and see five guidelines to use in handling disagreements with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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Follow the Leader?

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 13:1-14

What does the Bible say about our responsibilities to, and our relationship with, our governing authorities?  Does the Apostle Paul really teach that we need to do everything government employee James Wilborn commands? In this message hear James Wilborn himself tell us the answer as he gives a message on Paul’s writings in Romans chapter 13 and God’s appointment of earthly rulers and governments.

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