Parable of the Mustard Seed and Yeast

Scripture Text: Matthew 13:31-35

In this message we welcome our special guest speaker, Paul Gossman, director of World Mission Prayer League (the mission agency that Pat Lelvis had served with).  Paul will be continuing our series in the Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13 as well as giving us a great spotlight on what God is up to in our world and how we can be a part of it!

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Parable of the Net

Scripture Text: Matthew 13:47-52

This Sunday is Palm Sunday.  It's also called Passion Sunday because it marks the beginning of Christ's week of passioniate suffering for us.  Why has Jesus come to this point?  Why is he here?  What motivated him to come to Jersualem knowing it would end in his death five days later?  We learn of his motivation in the last of the seven parables of Matthew 13.

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