Isn't There a Conflict Between Religion and Science?
Series: Apologetics - Defending the Faith
Scripture Text: Hebrews 11:1-6
Short answer is 'Yes, there is!' Find out why that is totally to be expected.
Message AudioMoreShort answer is 'Yes, there is!' Find out why that is totally to be expected.
Message AudioMoreSermon audio did not record for this message. Click more to see the web video summary D'Vante made for our small groups that week.
Message VideoMoreThe audio for this message did not record, but click more for the video summary of message, a link to the full text of the message, an outline of the message and the ending "Jesus Thru the Bible" text expressed at the end of the message.
Message VideoMoreEvidence for the Resurrection of Jesus
Message AudioMoreEaster message finishing our series on the I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. This was also our first Sunday at the Ocean5 social gathering space.
Message AudioMore