Clay Pots and The Cornerstone

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 9:17-33

What do all three of these statements have in common? Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know… (what you’re going to get.) God is the potter. We are the clay.  The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.  Find out in "Clay Pots and The Cornerstone", as Tyrean Martinson leads us on a study of Romans 9:17-33.

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The Chapter People Skip

Series: Romans
Scripture Text: Romans 9:1-16

Romans 8 is the chapter everyone loves.  Romans 9 is the chapter everybody skips.  In this message we begin a new section in Romans 9-11 which on the surface appears to be about happy-fun topics like election and predestination.  But it's actually about something else.  And that 'something else' happens to be the key to the entire book of Romans.

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