Worship Service for the Week of August 11th
Sermon: Word Studies - Teshuvah
This Sunday we wrap up our four week series called "Words Matter". Each week we've been doing a word study on a significant Hebrew word in the Old Testament. Our final word? Teshuvah! Often it is translated 'repentance'. But that's a bit misleading. Find out why on Sunday.
Worship Service Video
Tithes and Offerings
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One Hope Church
5114 Point Fosdick Dr
Suite F PMB 174
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Discussion Questions
Icebreaker Question
If you could bring one item or trend back from the past, what would it be?
Discussion Questions
- The word repentance sounds negative to many of us, but in the Hebrew sense it is positive and relational. How so?
- Teshuvah means "to turn" and "to return". What do you need to return to these days? What do you need to turn from?
- Peter shared his daily process of "teshuvah". What is your daily routine? What might you want to integrate into your morning rituals?
- Review the four words and discuss how they flow together: HESED (Love), Emunah (Faith), Ruach (Spirit), Teshuvah (Repent).