Worship Service for the Week of September 3rd
A One Hope Online Worship Resource
Scripture Texts: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Sermon: The Covenant of the Spirit
On Sunday we'll be wrapping up our series on the six covenants of the Old Testament and also seeing how this series has been getting us ready for next series in the Book of Romans which starts September 24th.
Worship Service Video
Tithes and Offerings
To give your offering, you can either click the below link, or mail your check to our address below:
Or mail check to:
One Hope Church
5114 Point Fosdick Dr
Suite F PMB 174
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Small Group Discussion Questions
Icebreaker Question:
Favorite way to camp?
Discussion Questions:
1. Peter mentioned that sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking that Jesus paying for sins on the cross was no a free gift, but was more like a loan that we now have to pay back by being really grateful the rest of our lives. What do you think about that? Can you relate? Disagree?
2. Peter said the question should not be "What would Jesus do?" but "Jesus, what are we doing today?" What did you think of that distinction? Agree? Disagree? Confusing? Still thinking about it?
3. How does seeing the Holy Spirit as a Person in you, rather than simply as spiritual power to do good things change your understanding of what means to live by the Spirit?
Sermon Recap for Life Together Groups
No video recap this week but here are some of the bullet points of what we covered:
- Did a review of all six of the covenants from the perspective of the Apostle Paul studying the Old Testament again after he became a Christian to see what he missed in his "pre-Christian" days.
- Got a glimpse into our each of the six covenants are addressed at some level in the book of Romans, our next series.
- Ended with a look at the New Covenant and what it means to live in the new way of the Spirit and not the old way of the written code.