Worship Service for the Week of April 2nd
A One Hope Online Worship Resource
Scripture Texts: Matthew 13:47-52
Sermon: Parable of the Net
This service is our Palm Sunday service. It's also called Passion Sunday because it marks the beginning of Christ's week of passionate suffering for us. Why has Jesus come to this point? Why is he here? What motivated him to come to Jerusalem knowing it would end in his death five days later? We learn of his motivation in the last of the seven parables of Matthew 13. Join us as we wrap up one series and enter together into Holy Week.
Worship Service Video
Tithes and Offerings
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One Hope Church
5114 Point Fosdick Dr
Suite F PMB 174
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Small Group Discussion Questions
Icebreaker Question:
If you were sent back in time to 1,000 years ago, how would you prove that you’re from the future?
Discussion Questions:
- The parable in our text talks of the end of the age and of the "good fish" entering the Kingdom and the "bad fish"... not. Based on the conversation between Jesus and the thief on the cross, what makes a person a "good fish"?
- Peter said that all that is needed for assurance of salvation is repentance and faith. What do those two words mean? How would you explain them to someone who doesn't have a church background?
- This last parable about the end of the age is a tough passage. Why does Jesus tell it to his disciples? What do you think he is wanting them to get out of it? What do you think he wants you to get out of it?