Worship Service for the Week of February 5th
A One Hope Online Worship Resource
Scripture Texts: John 14:8-17
Sermon: Nine Biblical Clues About Healing
In this service we will be looking at the sign gifts of miracles, healing and tongues, with special focus on "best practices" when praying for healing.
Worship Service Video
Tithes and Offerings
To give your offering, you can either click the below link, or mail your check to our address below:
Or mail check to:
One Hope Church
5114 Point Fosdick Dr
Suite F PMB 174
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Small Group Discussion Questions
Icebreaker Question:
If you could only have one album that you had to play over and over again for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Discussion Questions:
- Have you ever seen or experienced a miracle?
- Have you ever experienced God "nudge" you to do something crazy like God nudged Pastor John Waak in the closing story Peter shared?
- Is there something or someone you had been praying for consistently but that you gave up on praying for that you think God may want you to start praying for again? And can we as a group join you in that prayer?