John: The New Birth
Scripture Text: John 3:1-15
Jesus said to Nicodemus unless you are born again of water and the Spirit, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Being born again, Jesus said, is an absolute necessity. Why is that? And what does it mean to be born again and how do you know that you are born again? Those are the questions tackled in this message on John 3:1-15.
Peter Churness
A 1997 graduate of the American Lutheran Theological Seminary, Peter is Lead Pastor of One Hope Church in Gig Harbor, WA. An evangelist at heart with a passion for employing creative means for communicating the gospel to the next generation, Peter founded Rebel Planet Creations in 2003, a company which creates evangelistic video games ( Peter is a certified pastor with both Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ ( and the Alliance of Renewal Churches (
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