Scripture Text: Mark 1:40-45

How Can We Really Know What God Is Like?  We can know what God is like by looking at His Son Jesus and how he interacted with real people.  This message starts a new five-week series looking at the character of Jesus with a view to learning what God is really like and how he truly feels about us and interacts with us.

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...and generous

Scripture Text: Luke 5:17-26

What is God really like?  How can you know you're not just believing what you would like to be true?  We can know for sure by looking at Jesus and how he acted and what he taught.  Jesus came to show us what God is like.  This week in this series we look at the forgiving nature of God, and also his radical generosity.

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Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild - Really?

Scripture Text: Matthew 11:16-30

Gentle Jesus meek and mild.  Does that truly describe the Jesus who overturned tables in the temple and said I didn't come to bring peace but a sword? And yet... Jesus says in Matthew 11, "I am gentle".  Was Jesus bipolar?  Or did he just have massive mood swings?  Find out in week three of our series learning about God by looking at the character traits of Jesus.

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Jesus Is TOUGH

What Made Jesus Angry?

Scripture Text: Luke 9:20-25,51-62

In our final message of our "character study of Jesus" series we get to some of the harder sayings of Jesus.  But we can now look at these challenging words of Jesus in the context of what we already know about him - that he is compassionate, forgiving, gentle and protective. And we'll be able to conclude that there are times when he also shows some tough love.

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