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Classes & Workshops

Rescued!Pat LelvisCol 1:132021-02-01
Free to Fail!Pat LelvisJohn 8:362021-02-01
Home FreePat LelvisEph 1:7; Col 2:132021-02-01
If I’m Forgiven, How Come I Still Feel Guilty?Pat LelvisJohn 8:44; Rev 12:10-112021-02-01
The “Ottas,” the “Gottas” and the “Shouldas”Pat LelvisGal 5:1; John 8:322021-02-01
I'm My Own EnemyPat LelvisRom 8:12021-02-01
Corpses, Yours and MinePat LelvisRom 6:1-72021-02-01
Come To the Party!Pat LelvisLuke 15:11-322021-02-01